Thursday 27 September 2012

Top four of interesting culture in world.

Previously, I was stated and define on what culture is about and characteristic of culture. Culture is precious to some one who really knows to practice and appreciate it. For this entry, I would like to expose all of you with most interesting culture in world.

 Based on my review, there are top five cultures that enticing by their own historical such as Thailand’s culture, Japanese’s culture.Thailand’s culture can be seen in their uniqueness of language where it derived from Khmer, Sanskrit, Pali, Malay and Chinese. Even English is second language for many countries and widely spoken nowadays, but Thai language still being use in daily for business and education in several places like Kelantan.

To get know Thailand we also have to know their man of the country which is The Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the Royal Family that hold a deservedly high and revered position in the country. You will do well to respect this popular public sentiment. Other than respecting their King Thai’s people have a highest level of respect to their Buddhist monks. They also command a great deal of respect in Thai society. Women should step aside to make way for passing monks and avoid any accidental contact. Apart of that, the Wai is used by Thai people to showing their respect to others or between them to greeting in farewell or in acknowledgement. This culture is similar to the Indian Namaste gesture. You put your palms together at chest level and bow your head.

Other than that, Thai attitude also one of the uniqueness and it almost similar with Malay’s attitude such as, It is considered rude to touch anyone on the head or to touch them with your feet and considered offensive to sit with your feet pointing at someone. You should remove shoes when entering someone's house or a temple. In Thai funerals usually last for a week, during which many prayers are recited and crying is not encouraged.   

Second interesting culture is Japan where it is a country of diverse customs and culture and most technologically advanced countries in the world. This is what makes it so unique which is the mix of tradition and modernity. The obvious culture in japans is geisha. Geisha is a person of the arts are primarily women who entertain guests by engaging in various forms of performing arts such as playing musical instruments, dancing, carrying out a tea ceremony, Ikebana or flower arrangement, and reciting poetry. For the first establishing of geisha it was dominated by the male and not long after that women began to follow suit and soon this became a completely female-dominated profession. Some people thought that geisha is involve in prostitution. This is a myth that has been spread because during the Second World War, a lot of girls sold themselves to American soldiers by calling themselves geisha girls. Geisha are hired primarily for entertainment.

Other enticing cultures of Japan are their custom in term of Greetings, Punctuality and Work Ethics, and Visiting Houses and Hospitality. The reasons why bows are so important are because they express reverence for the opposite person. Other than that, The Japanese are very punctual people, and punctuality does not only apply to the workplace ethics, but any kind of social engagement. Hygiene also the customs of japan where this can be see in when they visiting house and hospitality. The shoes are being removed outside the house and being pointed outward in order to prevent soil in house.


Others than that, as a Malaysian I review Malaysia is an interesting culture among the world in term of their people, music and also cuisine. Malaysia is consists of many races such as Malay, china, India and others The Malay people cover more than half of the population of Malaysia.. This can lead Malaysia to the most contribute culture among the races. The Malaysian music has seen influences from the Indonesia, Portugal and even has influences from Thai forms and Chinese styles. The pop scene has seen many developments in Malaysia and the more traditional kind of music was popularized in the 1920s-1930s. Yet another genre, the Pop Yeh-Yeh ruled the Malaysian music scenario in from the year 1965 to 1971. The last beautiful of Malaysia culture is their cuisine where rice and noodles are the main food for Malaysian. It must spicy and sweet. This cuisine also includes many dishes that use an array of seafood.


Philippine is a beautiful country that sees a mix of diverse cultures with over 70 million people. The beauty of Philippine can be seeing in term of their cuisine, music and dance and also their art. Philippines love to eat snack such as chicharon, bibingka, and lechon and it be the main food for them. Chicharon is a deep-fried pork or chicken dish. Apart from this, the bibingka which is a rice cake and the lechon is a whole roasted pig is also a popular dish in the cuisine.

The music styles of Philippines also can be one of the attractiveness and their music seen have European and American influences. The dance of the Filipinos is seen in various forms and styles such as in forms of folk dance. All such folk dances are only done in groups and here, bamboo sticks are used in accompaniment with the steps being performed Apart from music and dance, art in traditional forms of paintings are also very much predominant in this culture. Other forms of art and craft such as weaving and pottery are also common amongst certain groups of people.

In a nut shell, it is important to protect, keep and practice our culture. Expose the culture to others also one of the way to prestigious the culture. Being know others culture is a precious opportunity to have. 

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Intro and culture's define

           This Blog were created especially for Digital and Mobile Communication (ITE 3563) subject. This blog will introduce people about the culture that exist throughout the country. Readers would enjoy new information about culture that you might never been expose without being in the place but by visiting and enjoy the words on this blog, you would feel that you experience the culture by own self.
             Of course people do have a culture of it own. Each person has different culture that might give a proud to them with their particular culture that they belong to.
The word 'culture' that hails from the Latin word, 'cultura' derived from 'colere', means, 'to cultivate'. Culture can be defined as pattern of human activity and the symbols that give significance to these activities. In a simple ways culture can be understand as one form of human action that can be seen in many aspect such as language, religion, social habit, their system of beliefs that held by the people of the region, their principles of life and also their moral values.

              Culture can be seen in several characteristic such as culture is share, means we shared the culture in a group that we belongs to. People tend to practice the culture that they receive since from their eldest and it continuously shared by generation to the generation. The shared of culture is important for group, so that there are continuously keep and practice among the youngest.
        Other characteristics of culture are culture is learned, where cultural transmission or enculturation is the best way to describe culture is learned. The people acquire information about the culture by many ways. This is done by learning the language and other form of educational information of the society and learns from others members of groups. In society we can see that, members of groups are learn to understand and practice and adopted certain ideas, expectation and tradition by the elder generations of society. Parents are the first medium of culture expose to the youngest or children. No individual is born with a sense of his or her culture. He or she has to learn it.

         By looking at culture characteristic, automatically people can define what culture is is all about. By culture, an individual can be classified into one group that have similar patterns.

